While working from home has become more of a reality for most of the world, due to COVID19, working with back pain isn’t something we knew we were signing up for. Many people are looking for ways to prevent back pain. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) encourages companies and businesses to be flexible in allowing employees to stay home if their work permits or to care for sick family members when needed. So, you may have found yourself in a new work environment, at your kitchen table.
How can I prevent back pain while working from home?
Studies find that most workplaces, while not mandated, typically have more ergonomic workstations or computer setups. While the average home has a work set up that usually consists of your bed, a makeshift office space, or the kitchen table. The average person is still getting used to making their home their long-term work setup. Your area and furniture may not meet the needs of your work demands and how often you have to be at a computer during the day.
Here are a few ways many Americans, just like you, prevent back pain while working from home:
Avoid Excessive Bending
Try placing your computer at eye-level or in a position where you can avoid looking down or bending over for hours.
No bed heads
Do your best to limit the amount of time you work from your bed. While it may feel like a comfortable position, in the long run, it could cause some pain because your back isn’t getting the proper support.
Stretch and take breaks
When you can, take a moment to stretch your arms and neck. Stretching helps to alleviate the pressure of your head and keeps your muscles engaged.
Taking frequent water breaks not only help to prevent back pain while working from home, but it promotes an overall healthy lifestyle
Are you ready to prevent back pain while working from home? I’m sure you are! Make sure you consult your physician for the best plan for you, but these are a few things you can implement to get your routine started. These suggestions may seem small, but as the weeks turn into months of working from home, you’ll be glad you did them.